Garden Café (Kasuga Ninai Jyaya)
Kasuga Ninai Jyaya,
garden cafe
garden cafe

About Ninai Jaya

In the late Edo Period (mid-18th century), vendors carried tea sets and pots on poles and served tea and sweet rice cakes within the precincts of Kasuga Taisha. The cake was served on a plate of Akahadayaki pottery. According to an old guidebook of Nara, “Yamato Meishozue” and other documents, vendors used to serve tea by making a fire with a bamboo blowpipe to boil the water. This unique style of vending, “Ninai Jaya”, became quite popular.
It was deemed appropriate for visitors to clean themselves by eating food cooked with clean fire before entering places of worship.

Hours / Access
10:00 – 16:00
Mondays in January – March, June – September, and December
Open every day in April, May, October and November
Ninai Jaya is about a 5-minute walk from the Kasuga Taisha Omote Sando bus stop. It is near the main gate to the Man’yo Botanical Garden.